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Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library (FOL) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing support to the Oak Ridge Public Library. Organized in 1959, their support takes many forms, from monetary support to advocacy. Have a question about our Friends of the Library? Email them!

Book Bag artwork new art
Examples of Support
  • Funding the annual Summer Reading Program
  • Sponsoring Library programs
  • Purchasing of books and other materials
  • Replacing the self-checkout station
  • Providing interlibrary loans to patrons at no cost

Our Goals


To increase the opportunities for the association of persons interested in books and libraries


To increase the facilities and services of the Oak Ridge Public Library


To enrich the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of the Oak Ridge area

Meeting Our Goals

The FOL achieves these goals largely by raising funds through regular book sales and through the “Book Nook” in the library, where items can be purchased year-round. These funds are then allocated to the Oak Ridge Public Library to help cover costs that fall outside of the annual budget and to offer a wider range of programs.

  • President—Nancy Hardin
  • Secretary—Jill Wilson
  • Treasurer—Liz Will
2023-2024 Term
  • Pat Hope
  • D. Ray Smith
2022 - 2024 Term
  • Darlene Johnson
  • Kay Moss

Support the FOL

There are many ways to support the Oak Ridge Public Library through the FOL. The FOL currently accepts support in the form of membership dues, volunteering, donating materials, or purchasing materials through their year round Book Nook in the main library or at one of their seasonal Book Sales.

For more information about each way you can give your support, click the corresponding button below.

Membership Info

New members are always welcome. To become a member, visit the library front desk to fill out the Membership Application form. You can pay the annual dues through cash or a check made out to FOL. If you prefer, you may visit our online membership and donation form and pay via credit or debit card. Credit or debit cards are also accepted for membership dues at the Book Sales.

Membership Applications are accepted year-round, and are valid from January – December of the year the application is received.

Membership Benefits

Members gain access to the following:

  • The FOL Newsletter
  • The Members-Only Day of FOL Book Sales
  • More Ways to Support the Library

Membership Levels

Membership Level Cost
Individual $10.00
Family $20.00
Patron $25.00 – $99.00
Benefactor $100.00 or More

*All  levels grant privileges to the applying member 

Donation Info

The FOL accepts monetary donations as well as donations of items in good condition, such as DVDs, audiobooks, and books. Monetary donations will be used to help the library and donated items will either be added to the library’s collection, or they will be sold by the FOL to raise funds for the library.

For more information on how to donate items, please click here. All donated materials received at the library are processed by both the library and the FOL, so there is no need to make the distinction when you bring in your donations.

Monetary donations may be made online through use of our online membership and donation form. For cash or check donations please contact the Library.

Volunteering Info

The FOL is always happy to accept volunteers, and offers opportunities in the following areas:

  • Book Sales
  • Book Discussion Group
  • Newsletter
  • Publicity
  • Service on the Board of Directors

The FOL is also happy to consider other volunteer opportunities, so feel free to make a suggestion. Please email or message us on Facebook or Instagram to express interest in becoming a volunteer.

Book Sale Basic Info

The FOL Book Sale is the FOL’s largest fundraising event and is held multiple times throughout the year. These events would not be possible without the volunteers and library staff who make them happen. During the Book Sale, the FOL offers a large selection of items, including books, DVDs, puzzles, and more, at low prices, with each Book Sale usually lasting around three to four days.

Kinds of Sales

Each day of the Book Sale is typically dedicated to a specific type of sale:

  • An FOL Members Sale (first day)
  • An Open to the Public Sale (second day)
  • A Specialty Sale (third and fourth days)
    Specialty Sales have included “Half-Price Day” and “Fill a Bag” Sales.

In addition to these sales, the FOL Book Sale can also feature events like book giveaways and silent auctions.

Events in the next month

No events are scheduled.

Door Membership

Although the first day is exclusively for FOL members, you can easily become a member at the Book Sale.

Applications are available at the door.

Items and Pricing

Most print (books, magazines, maps, etc. ) and nonprint (DVDs, CDs, puzzles, etc.) items are priced at 50 cents or $1.00. Pricelists for specific types of items are available at the Book Sale.

Print Materials

Print items can include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Hardcover Books
  • Trade-Format Paperbacks
  • Mass Market Paperbacks
  • Children’s Books
  • Magazines
  • Sheet Music
  • Maps
Non-Print Materials

Non-print items can include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Audiobooks
  • Puzzles
  • EPs

Payment Types

The FOL accepts cash, check, and all major credit and debit cards.

Book Nook General Info

The Book Nook is a collection of purchasable materials curated and maintained by the FOL. Materials in the Book Nook are made up of items donated to the FOL and materials that have been removed from the library’s collection to make room for other materials. Proceeds go toward helping the Oak Ridge Public Library.

You can think of the Book Nook like a used book store that’s conveniently located in your local library!


The Book Nook is located in the library’s Periodicals area.

Items and Pricing

Most print (books, magazines, maps, etc. ) and nonprint (DVDs, CDs, puzzles, etc.) items are priced at 50 cents or $1.00. Pricelists for specific types of items are available next to the Book Nook.

The Book Nook currently only accepts cash for payment.

Payment for your Book Nook purchases can be placed in the wooden collection box beside the “F.O.L. Book Nook” sign.

If you need change, please come to the library main desk before placing your money into the collection box.

Print Materials

Print items can include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Hardcover Books
  • Trade-Format Paperbacks
  • Mass Market Paperbacks
  • Children’s Books
  • Magazines
  • Sheet Music
  • Maps
Non-Print Materials

Non-print items can include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Audiobooks
  • Puzzles
  • EPs
Item Price Specials
Hardcover Books $1.00 per Book
Trade-Format Paperbacks $1.00 per Book
Mass Market Paperbacks $.50 per Book $1.00 for 3
Children’s Books Under 50 Pages $.50 per Book $1.00 for 3
National Geographic $.25 per Magazine $1.00 for 5
All Other Magazines $.50 per Magazine $1.00 for 3
Pamphlets, Brochures, Leaflets, Maps, Sheet Music $.10 per Item $1.00 for up to 15
Item Price Specials
DVDs $1.00 per Film
CDs $.50 per Disk $1.00 for 3
Audiobooks $.50 per Disk $1.00 for 3
Puzzles $.50 per Puzzle $1.00 for 3
VHS $.50 per Tape $1.00 for 3
Audio Cassettes $.50 per Tape $1.00 for 3
EPs, LPs $.50 per Record $1.00 for 3

The FOL is also a member of the Friends of Tennessee Libraries (FOTL). This membership ensures that the FOTL will help to promote the Oak Ridge Public Library, provide us with support, and advocate for us at the local, state, and national levels.


Members get access to the FOL newsletter, which lets you keep up with what the FOL is currently doing to help the library and any other important news and events.