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Reference Services

What is Reference?

We are here to serve you! Library staff will be glad to help you:

    • Use public computers
    • Navigate personal technology devices
    • Research local history
    • Locate and use databases or other research resources
    • Proctor an exam
    • Help answer other in-depth research questions
    • Refer you to other information resources or services

If you have an in-depth research question or need one-on-one assistance, our Reference staff is available for appointments.

Have a question? Email us or make an appointment!

What is Reference?

We are here to serve you! The Reference staff will be glad to help you:

    • Find Library materials through our catalog
    • Use public computers
    • Help with personal devices
    • Locate materials not listed in our catalog
    • Refer you to other information resources

 Have a question? Email or chat with us!

Public Services

Research Assistance

We offer basic research assistance on a wide variety of topics, ranging from Genealogy, local history, to providing source documents for school projects and college papers.


We offer test proctoring for college level exams, employment tests, licensing exams, as well as others. 

Boating Exam

Bring a photo ID and your TWRA license to the front desk and we will proctor your Boating Exam for you. Please come at least two hours before we close.

Technology Assistance

Need help with your Kindle, or assistance with computer applications? We can help answer your technology questions, and provide some hands on guidance.

Technology Lab

Join us in the Library Auditorium on the first and third Thursday of every month from 4:00pm-6:00pm. We have laptops and other devices available to use, but you can also bring in your personal device for dedicated on-site assistance.

Technology Classes

Join us in the Library once a month at for a program all about technology. Topics may include how to use Microsoft Office or Google Suite, in-depth talks about the future of science, guides to our online databases, privacy and security, and phishing scams.

Public Resources

IRS Tax Forms

Current tax forms are provided as a service by the library and are available at the Main Desk. Library staff can also print forms from the IRS website upon request for $0.10 a page.  

Voter Registration

We have Voter Registration forms available at the Main Desk for patrons to fill out, mail in or drop off. Library staff will mail forms, but please be aware of registration deadlines.

City and Local Records

Documents from local government, schools, or other organizations can be found in our Public Review section. These can include budgets, meeting minutes, environmental reports, notices, and more.


We have online database resources available such as Chilton, Consumer Reports, and online legal forms. Click here to access these resources.

2024 TN Municipal Guide

The 2024 Tennessee Municipal Guide is an excellent resources in find out out who to contact in what city in Tennessee. Click here to access this resource.

Internet Access


Any patron with a library card in good standing can have unlimited time on a public computer during business hours by using their card number and PIN. If a patron has outstanding items or fees on their account that exceed $10, the patron will need to pay at least $2 towards their fees for 2 hours of internet access.

Non-residents may use the computer for 2 hours for free. Extra time will cost $2 for each 2 hour increment. Please make staff at the front desk aware if more than 2 hours is required.


The Library has public Wi-Fi that is available 24/7! You can connect to it while you are in the building, out in the plaza, and even in our parking lot. The name of the Wi-Fi is Lib_Public-vcell. There is no password to connect.


We have Wi-Fi hotspots for check out! These devices are provided free of charge thanks, in part, to grant funding. Hotspots are located in our New Nonfiction section. They check out for 1 week, and overdue Hotspots will be deactivated. Our Wi-Fi hotspots are filtered for CIPA compliance.

We cannot guarantee the Wi-Fi devices will always be free of charge, but we are thankful for the opportunity to provide these hotspots at no cost for as long as possible.

Reference Materials


We have current issues of local and national newspapers available to read in the Library’s Reading Area. Back issues are also held for three months and are located near the Reference section.


Current issues of magazines are available to read and are shelved in the Library’s Reading Area. We also have back issues of magazines shelved behind current issues that are available for checkout.


The library offers seasonal periodicals, such as Consumer Reports and Journals, for our patrons to browse and use for research inside the library. These are located in the Library’s Reading Area.


We have a Reference Collection in the library, designated “REF.” These materials are not normally available for check out and must be used in the library. If you would like to check out a Reference book, you need permission from the library director.


We have past issues of the Oak Ridger available on microfilm to view in our Oak Ridge Room. If you would like to view our microfilm holdings, please make an appointment with our Local History Specialist or reserve the Microfilm station.


The library has volumes of the criss-cross directories for Oak Ridge and Knoxville that are shelved behind the Self-Serve Holds shelf. We also have historic phonebooks and directories located in the Oak Ridge Room for patron use by appointment.