Dogs in the Library?! That’s right. Ruff Reading is one of several programs offered by H.A.B.I.T (Human Animal Bond in Tennessee), which works under the auspices of the University of Tennessee Veterinary School. This program gives children a chance to practice their reading skills with a lovable dog as their non-judgmental audience.
Mondays @ 11:00am

Wednesdays @ 5:30pm

What is Ruff Reading?
Begun as a pilot program in Knox County schools in 2001, Ruff Reading is now a permanent fixture in classrooms in Knox, Blount, Sevier and Anderson County. Teachers who have H.A.B.I.T volunteers and their dogs regularly visit their classrooms report that the children greatly improve their reading skills and gain self-confidence. The children also learn compassion for animals and for each other.
Oak Ridge Public Library was the first public library in the area to offer Ruff Reading.
Who is Ruff Reading?
H.A.B.I.T. volunteers and their dogs, all specially evaluated and trained, are available in the Children’s Room at the Library at scheduled times. Caregivers are invited to drop by for a chance to let their children meet, interact, and even read to one of our attentive listener dogs. Come and share your favorite story with them!