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Children’s Summer Reading Program

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Adventure begins at your library.

We have magicians, puppeteers, animals, and scientists scheduled to come to the library on Mondays and Tuesdays at 10:30 for our Summer Reading Program.
Come join us!
Interested in participating?
You can do so in three easy steps.


Sign up between May 20th and June 22nd.


Record all the books you read in your designated Reading Log.


Return your Reading Log no later than July 8th to receive a prize pack and ticket to the End of Program Party!

Reading Logs

Event Descriptions

There are Oceans Of Possibilities for entertainment this summer.

We have magicians, puppeteers, animals, and scientists scheduled to come to the library on Mondays and Tuesdays at 10:30 for our Summer Reading Program.
Come join us!
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Interested in participating?
You can do so in three easy steps.

Sign up between May 20th and June 23rd.


Record all the books you read in your designated Reading Log.


Return your Reading Log no later than July 8th to receive a prize pack and ticket to the End of Program Party!

Reading Logs

Event Descriptions

Upcoming Events

Runaway Puppet Theater's "Tales of Adventure"
June 3, 2024 10:30

Runaway Puppet Theater: Tales of Adventure

10:30am | A.K. Bissell Park Pavilion
Professor Whizzpop's "Rumble in the Jungle"
June 4, 2024 10:30

Professor Whizzpop: Rumble in the Jungle

10:30am | A.K. Bissell Park Pavilion

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I sign up my child for the Children’s Summer Reading Program?

Beginning May 20th – June 22nd, Signups can happen in person in the Children’s Room during library hours or online by using the form at the top of this page. You will be given a reading log if you sign-up in person. You will need to print your own log if you sign-up online.

Is there an age limit for the Children’s Summer Reading Program?

We do not have an age limit, however the library also offers an Adult Summer Reading Program for anyone who feels they have aged-out of the Children’s program. Please speak with someone on the Main side of the library for more information.

Which school do I write – the school I went to or the one I am going to?

The one you will be attending.

What if I attend school out of state/am homeschooled/don’t go to school?

Write the out of state school name/write “home”/and write “none” if you don’t attend.

What if my child is just beginning to read? Is that Independent reader?

If you sign them up as independent, they have to read all 10 books by themselves. Family readers can get as much help as needed, including getting books read to them. We leave that choice up to the caregiver.

What are Splats and why are there stickers on them?

When you sign up for the program, your name and number are written on a special “splat” that hung by the window. When you complete the 10 or 20 books required and turn in your form, you get a large star on your splat. For every five additional recorded books read, you will get another smaller star.

Why do you call them Splats?

The first year we put anything on the windows we were doing a program about art. That year, we wrote names on big paper paint splotches. We started calling them splats. The name has stuck.

Reading Logs

Do I have to read books from this library?

No. You can read books from other libraries or from home. You may also include ebooks, graphic novels, and audiobooks on your list.

Do I have to stop after 10/20 books?

We’ll never stop you if you want to read more. Ask in the Children’s Room for additional reading sheets if you wish to continue to keep track.

If my child reads Harry Potter can I count that as two books?

No. If your child would like the challenge of reading Harry Potter, allow some shorter titles for other options.

When can we turn in reading logs?

Turn in completed reading logs Monday, June 10th – Monday, July 8th.

How can I turn in my reading log?

Turn in your reading log in-person in the Children’s Room to get your prize pack and ticket to the finisher’s party. Need to make other arrangements? Call (865) 425-3459.

What’s a prize pack?

Each year, participants who turn in their reading logs are given a surprise. This year’s prize pack is full of special items like stickers, pencils, a compass, a special friend and other surprises. You will also get to choose a book to keep from our cart of donated books, and you get a ticket to the finisher’s party on July 9th.


What is the schedule of events this year?

Events begin on June 3rd and occur on Mondays and Tuesdays. Copies of the schedule are at the Children’s Room desk. On the back of the schedule you’ll find descriptive information about each event. You may also find this information on this web page and on by clicking on the “Events” button in our website menu at the top of our website.

Are all the events in-person this summer?

Yes. They will be held outside on the pavilion, weather permitting. If it is rainy out, we will move to the gym of the recreation center next door.

Do you have to attend the SRP scheduled events if you are in the program?

No. The Monday and Tuesday programs are optional.

Can my child attend the events without signing up to read?

Yes. (Other children will be getting prize packs on those days, however, so you may want to explain why before your child becomes upset at not getting one.)

Still have questions? You can email us at or call the Children’s Room at (865) 425-3459.

SRP23 announcement

Summer Reading Stats

Sign Ups
Books Read